Showing Posts From Coding

A Decade of Clojure at Studio71

What is Clojure and why did it fit for Studio71? Clojure is a programming language (a dialect of Lisp) that excels at concurrency and data processing. Clojure runs on top of Java so it’s runs in all of the places Java runs and can use all of the Java libraries already out there (hello, Google and AWS libraries!

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The Nodejs CA Bug From Hell…and Mozilla

Can I tell you about this doozy of a bug we just resolved at Studio71? When I say doozy, I mean a total mess and the path led us down to some questionable npm package decisions and eventually to Mozilla…and thankfully nothing overly stupid that we did! Lets back up though…

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Life as a Gopher

It seems like discussions about Go (or Golang), Google’s new-ish, C-like, programming language, are everywhere these days. I’ve been using Go in my free time to work on little projects for the last few months and thought it was time to jot down a few thoughts on the language. Background I find in articles like this even a short amount of background helps color the views.

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Beats Music Likes My Clojure Library

I’ll do a full post on the library some time soon. In the meantime, check it out: @mikeflynn_ created a Clojure library, now on the developer portal #beatplatform #clojure — Beats Platform (@beatsplatform) June 19, 2014

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