The Simple Pleasures of a Mobile Office Whiteboard

  • February 2, 2024
Work Project

I’ve built a lot of stuff for my home office over the last few years of working from home, but my current favorite is something so simple: A custom rolling whiteboard

A couple of weeks ago I gave myself a Saturday challenge to take my existing old whiteboard and build a rolling stand for it only with materials I had in my workshop. I knocked it out in a few hours and I didn’t even bother to paint it because I wasn’t sure if I was going to want to keep it around, but here I am using it constantly weeks later.

Could I have mounted it on my wall? Sure, but I don’t have much free wall space and it’s been so nice to be able to move it around the room or out of the way during a video conference.

Working from home has been great for a lot of reasons, but sometimes integrating some of that traditional office stuff can be a huge win.

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