Post to Mastodon v2 Shortcut - Image Support

  • December 24, 2022

Yesterday I released an Apple Shortcut (macOS, iOS, and iPadOS) that will allow you to quickly post to your Mastodon instance. As you might imagine, it received a little traction on Mastodon including the following feedback:

A feature request already? Over the holidays?! I don’t have time to figure out…it’s done!

I present to you: Post to Mastodon Shortcut v2 - Now with Image Support

Note that is just supports a single image, with an optional message, or text alone as of today. I didn’t want to make it too easy to blast our Mastodon hosts with lots of high res images from Photos!

You will also need to do the same configuration as before:

Once you install the Shortcut you will need to edit it to add two things:

  1. The domain of your Mastodon server.
  2. The access token for the app you will need to setup in your Mastodon preferences

You can find the full instructions on the previous post, linked above.

Enjoy the shortcut and Merry Christmas!

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